Please find attached our Child Safety Policy
Child Safety Code of Conduct
WYFNC is committed to promoting and protecting children and young people from all forms of abuse, racism, neglect and maltreatment.
This Code of Conduct sets expectations for how committee members, staff, volunteers and contractors at WYFNC should behave around children and young people. This helps children and young people to participate safely in our programs and competitions and have fun. All committee members, staff, volunteers and contractors must always follow these standards of behaviour, including when at WYFNC venues, attending training, competitions or camps and in online communication.
What happens if you breach this Code of Conduct?
Not following standards of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is a breach of this Code of Conduct and may result in disciplinary action, including and up to termination of employment or cessation of engagement with WYFNC. Breaches will also be reported to the relevant authorities.
It is expected that all board members, staff, volunteersand contractors within the WYFNC community WILL:
• Adhere to relevant Australian and Victorian legislation, peak body requirements, WYFNC Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and other organisational policies and by-laws (including those that cover discrimination, bullying and harassment).
• Report and act on any behavioural complaints, concerns or observed breaches regarding the Code of Conduct.
• Report any concern, allegation, disclosure or witnessing of child abuse to the relevant person or authority.
• Treat all children and young people with respect, regardless of race, colour, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion.
• Make Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children and families feel included, welcome, able to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights
• Listen to and value children and young people’s ideas and opinions and respond to them if they feel unsafe.
• Report any conflicts of interest (such as an outside relationship with a child, babysitting arrangements or any other formal or informal relationships with a child that exist outside your organisational setting).
• Refrain from physical contact with children and young people except for the purposes of develop relevant sports skills or techniques and treating or preventing an injury.
It is expected that all committee members, staff, volunteers and contractors within the WYFNCcommunity WILL NOT:
• Condone or participate in illegal, unsafe, abusive or harmful behaviour towards children and young people – this includes physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, grooming, neglect or sexual misconduct.
• Ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse or harm.
• Be abusive or intimidating – such as yelling, moving into another person’s personal space, finger pointing, talking over the top of others.
• Use offensive language – swearing, using racial, cultural, homophobic or sexist slurs.
• Develop ‘special’ relationships with specific children or show favouritism through the provision of gifts or unnecessary or unsuitable attention.
• Spend time alone with a child in a secluded environment, being out of direct line of sight.
• Initiate unnecessary physical contact with children or young people or do things of a personal nature that they can do for themselves (such as changing clothes).
• Enter changing facilities without first knocking.
• Use private text messages to communicate with a child or young person where open communication is possible.
• Engage in unauthorised contact with a child or young person online for the purpose of developing a sexual relationship and/or communicate with a child about romantic, intimate or sexual feelings.
• Take explicit photographs of children or young people or show them pictures, animations, images or websites of an inappropriate or adult nature.